Monday, 23 August 2010

Cemetery - New entrance

Yes. I have been off line a lot... But as I said a couple of weeks ago, my friend Andrea would visit me and I was busy mainly ... talking!

Yes. That is what happened when friends meet after a few months without having a real conversation...

Of course, she loved the island and had a great time and I will tell you more about her visit in other entries of this blog, but I have to start by talking about this particular evening that we went for our daily walk.

I usually chose different routes so she had the chance of knowing other parts of our small island and one particular evening we took the road that runs in front of Salt Cafe, Doo Doo's, etc. and when I was showing Andrea Grand Turk Cemetery I realized that as the gates had a chain and a padlock ... someone decided to build a ladder (actually two...) on the external side of the wall so it is possible to enter the cemetery without ... climbing the wall??? :)

Maybe I am wrong and this was a legal and formal decission but I am guessing that is more an spontaneus solution... Who knows...

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