Monday, 21 June 2010

Vacation ... vacation?

Yes, I know. I said it would be a daily blog but I have skipped a few days... I have been busy studying some things about First Aid and CPR (by the way, very interesting things that made me realize among others, that the more you study about human physiology the most surprised you are about how complicated and yet perfectly balanced the human body is ... but as Seinfeld once said:the human body needs so much maintenance, that if it was a car nobody would buy it ...).

Well, besides the hours for studying there is also the problem of internet that comes and goes, (more goes than comes...), hence the absence of logs these last days.

I have also been watching the World Cup and preparing (just in my mind, still not reflected in the material world...) my trip to Argentina.Some kind of vacation, although it sounds really weird living on this beautiful island and saying "I am going to Argentina on vacation" since it was Grand Turk where I used to come to spend my "what I love to do" time by diving.

However it's a vacation because I go to spend some quality time with friends and family and, of course, going to my favorite restaurants, dancing tango as much as possible and watching the games in some cafés especially prepared for football fans.

Of course, I promise I will bring back some sweet stuff from Argentina (dulce de leche, alfajores, those amazing lemon biscuits) and as I am sure I will be back totally hooked-up on dancing again, I already kind of arranged with a few female friends and one male friend (at least one!), that I will start teaching some tango, at least the basics to those who are interested. But we need some more men who want to learn!!! Remember guys, the most important thing in tango is the "abrazo" (the way man and woman hold each other) and it needs TWO TO TANGO!!! So I hope to have more guys interested when I come back.

It's going to be interesting to go now to my country, moving from the beginning of the summer (starting here today) to the beginning of the winter (starting down there today), to go back for a while to the noises of the city, people rushing to work, all dressed-up (people in Buenos Aires are very elegant) with winter coats and boots and scarfs. And I arriving with my island rhythm, with no chances of walking very fast (and no reasons to ...), with my "diver hair" and, as my Argentinian friends say, this expression of "I used to live here in my previous life...".

But I love to go home. I love staying in my flat and enjoying it. And I enjoy it more because I also know that I am coming back here. I guess that happens to most of us, people who live here, when we travel home for a while. It's knowing that we come back to the island, what makes us enjoy even more to be abroad. Grand Turk is our home too. And it's so difficult when I am in a city to imagine that while the crazy activity lives there, on the island this beautiful quietness waits for me. But then, I just close my eyes, and remember the image of something: a moment of diving, the water or just the view from the kitchen window. And that is enough to go back to the island for a moment.

Many times I say that for me, the ideal way of spending a day would be to wake up in Grand Turk and spending the day here until 6 pm and then to go to Buenos Aires and stay there, going out, spending the night to wake up again in Grand Turk.

For now, that is possible only when dreaming. But one day...

See you tomorrow. I have to go back home to pack.

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