These last days Erika and I have been busy with my guardian dogs like real moms. We have been checking up on Steve, Tipsy, Princess,Chiquito, Chiquita and even Crazy Mojo, since they started to cough too much. Steven actually was the first one with this problem, so he was the one to be taken to the vet. We wanted to take with us also Princess, since she had this weird tumor/cyst full of blood attached to her leg that made her walk in a very uncomfortable way and made everybody think that she was a Prince more than a Princess...
Katya and Tonya helped us by giving us a ride with the truck. Impossible to convince Princess to get into it. She tried to bite Erika so we let her go. Not easy to take Steven either, who is not very used to car/truck rides, so while the girls were in the front of the truck, I was in the back trying to stop Steven from jumping to the street every time we turn. A real struggle... End of the ride at Clinic Road with an exhausted and pissed off Steven and an Estela with the hair like after a street fight.
It was not easy to take him to the very nice big motor home where the vets Gavin and Lance, provide with efficency and care and with no charge all the treatments for the pets. Once we thought we had Steven in it...he ran away and it took a leash, a rope and the strenght of Erika to carry Steve and his 52 pounds in her arms inside the vet's office.
Dr. Lance was extremely efficent and lovely with Steven. He took his temperature, cleaned his eyes, gave him some shots for the cough, antibiotic,
antibacterial and cleaned and cured a couple of wounds in his ear (he has been fighting a lot lately. I mean Steven not the vet...).
While Erika and Katya were looking in other direction, I was paying attention to the details (yes, I would have liked to be a vet :) and the patience and how caring the vet was with our Steven. No charge for any of the services. We just had to buy some cough medicine.
He told us to take him back next week for a follow up and wrote down all the info such as name, weight, owner's name. Of course, we tried to take Steven back to the truck but he ran away. A few hours later he was back at Salt Raker but he kept some prudent distance from me during the following days every time he saw me with the cough medicine bottle...
Something similar when we took Tipsy and Princess a few days later to treat their cough and to have Princess checked for the cyst. This time, instead of the truck, we went by walking. As Princess follows me everywhere, we assumed she would go with us...and she did. When I tried to convince them to enter the motor home Tipsy was Ok about it, but Princess tried to leave the premises.
After I sat for a while outside the building she sat beside me and in segments of 3 meters each, I went approaching the place and finally the vet (this time Gavin) went out and checked her outside. Tipsy was a total lady. She received her medicines without problem. Princess allowed him to check the cyst and an appointment was made for the surgery.
Today morning we took Princess by walking and she received some sedative to be able to get her into the OR (or something like that) and once there, some anaesthesia. Erika waited outside and I stayed with Princess and the two vets watching the surgery that did not take longer than one hour. Actually the longest part were the stitches. Princess stayed for a few hours there because she was asleep and late in the afternoon I went to pick her up.
She was kind of stoned still and she walked really slowly. However every time we found other dogs on our way... she barked at them and tried to fight.
We also found Dale on our way and she offered to take Princess in her car but Princess refused to get into the car... so she continued by walking.
Anyway, we arrived home, she drank water, she ate and now she is resting a bit. I have to cure her every day with Peroxide and antibiotic ointment until some of the stitches are remove.
We are so glad she is free of that cyst and we hope she feels better soon.
We are also really happy about the way the vets treated the dogs. They are so dedicated and efficient and they are so lovely with the pets. They provide an excellent service, every day, morning and afternoon and with no charge.
It was one of the rare and nice surprises on the island and I think it was necessary to write about it.
See you all soon again.